I have traded and collected theatre memorabilia for several years. Unfortunately, its time to move out and all this stuff is weighing me down (you wouldn’t believe how much stuff a single person can accumulate). What I’m offering are tapes from original trades, extra playbills, programs, pamphlets & fliers I’ve collected from numerous venues, as well as a few copies of cast recordings. Let me stress, I am selling ORIGINALS of the tapes I am listing. I am not giving you copies of what I own, nor will I make copies. Live audios and cast recordings are on audio tapes, I have nothing on CD. I am not trading for blanks [or anything, for that matter], as I do not need any blanks [or any more stuff!]. This is a great way for “newbies” to start their collection. As for audio tapes, the prices listed take into account the cost of a blank audio at the time of the original trade, and the hassle involved. I’m not out to make a huge profit. I honestly need to get rid of my collection – but for all I went through to get the tapes, I can’t just give them away. If it makes you feel better, the money I do get is going into my “Tracy needs to move out” and “Tracy needs to see Les Miz in NYC one last time” funds. Thanks!

price list | what’s available | how it works | contact me

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